There are countless videos and articles online related to the dangers of what they are calling “vaccines.” I’ve watched and read so many this year that I hardly know where to begin when sharing some samples below. I’ve found a few to get you started. Remember, if you look for videos from some of the sources I have listed on the Doctors/Scientists page, you can feel relatively safe listening to the information they provide. You should also follow the Pastors/Teachers/Websites who pour over the data to share with you the implications of the vaxx from a Biblical perspective.
General Topic “Vaccine” Videos
Toxicologist Warns Against Covid Jabs by Doctor Joseph Mercola
Smoking Gun Reveals Who’s Really Waging War Against Science by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Unintended Consequences of mRNA Shots by Dr. Joseph Mercola
COVID Vaccine Injuries & Deaths COVER-UP! – Nurse Whistleblowers Speak Out on Pressure to NOT Report
Dr Lee Meritt interview with Mike Adams General topic video which covers a variety of topics including dangers of Covid “vaccine.”
C19 Vax Reactions This link will take you to a site that allows “vaccine”-injured people to share their stories. Since the massive vaxx rollout and propaganda campaign began, social media platforms have been censoring and silencing people who try to share their own adverse reactions to the shot. There were private Facebook groups, tens of thousands of people strong, that were deleted for simply telling the truth. These weren’t groups of “antivaxxers.” They were people who themselves or their family members were injured or killed by taking the injection. The people who have been deceived and harmed deserve to be heard.
Might Covid Concentration Camps Become a Reality?
The Unvaxxed May Soon Be Shipped to Quarantine Camps by Dr. Joseph Mercola
The OpenVAERS Report Project
VAERS Covid Data
“VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% (see the Lazarus Report) of vaccine injuries. OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data available for download at”
What the VAERS Data Tell Us About COVID Jab Safety By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Big Pharma
When searching for answers, always follow the money. Ask yourself who has the most to gain out of a forced “vaccine” program.
Pfizer revenue and profits soar on its Covid vaccine business (November 2, 2021)
Excerpts from article:
– “Pfizer reported that earnings and sales more than doubled in the past quarter, and it raised its outlook for results the full year, thanks greatly to its Covid-19 vaccine.”
– “The company reported adjusted earnings of $7.7 billion, up 133% from a year earlier. Revenue soared to $24.1 billion, up 134%.”
– “The vaccine business alone was responsible for more than 60% of the company’s sales, as vaccine revenue rose to $14.6 billion from only $1.7 billion a year earlier.” The company said its Covid vaccine sales accounted for 13 billion of that revenue. Revenue outside of its Covid vaccine business was up a far more modest 7%.”
Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising – Therapeutic or Toxic?
Excerpts from article:
– Direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising (DTCPA) has grown rapidly during the past several decades and is now the most prominent type of health communication that the public encounters.1–3 The FDA regulates DTCPA, but critics say that the rules are too relaxed and inadequately enforced.4–6
– “DTCPA (Direct to Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising) can be defined as an effort (usually via popular media) made by a pharmaceutical company to promote its prescription products directly to patients. The U.S. and New Zealand are the only countries that allow DTCPA that includes product claims. Most other countries don’t allow DTCPA at all; however, Canada does allow ads that mention either the product or the indication, but not both.”
The United States allows pharmaceutical advertising that most nations won’t allow. Is there any wonder we are an over-medicated and unwell nation who thinks a pill will solve every health concern?
Global Pharmaceuticals Market Report 2021: Market is Expected to Grow from $1228.45 Billion in 2020 to $1250.24 Billion in 2021 – Long-term Forecast to 2025 & 2030 (March 31, 2021)
Excerpts from article:
– “North America was the largest region in the global pharmaceuticals market, accounting for 46% of the market in 2020.”
– “Major companies in the pharmaceuticals market include Pfizer; F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd; Sanofi; Johnson & Johnson and Merck & Co.”
Market share of top 10 national pharmaceutical markets worldwide in 2020*
Excerpts from article:
– “The United States was the largest pharmaceutical market in 2020, generating roughly 46 percent of total revenues worldwide. China established itself as the second-largest market with a sales share of eight percent (although the statistic shows the hospital market only for China).”
– The worldwide pharmaceutical market was valued at approximately 1.16 trillion U.S. dollars in 2020. Sales of pharmaceuticals in the United States generated over 530 billion U.S. dollars in 2020, over 400 billion U.S. dollars more than any other country.
– “With an average spend of 1,229 U.S. dollars per person, the United States had the highest pharmaceutical spending per capita worldwide in 2019.”
Top 100 Pharmaceutical Companies in Global Market in 2021
Excerpt from article:
– “As you know, pharmaceutical companies are shaping the future of healthcare.”
Yes, you are reading this correctly. Drug companies are shaping how your doctors treat patients.
Can we trust Big Pharma, the manufacturers of the “vaccines”? Can we trust doctors?
In 2009 Pfizer was charged with mispromoting medicines and paying kickback to complaint doctors.
“Pfizer, the world’s largest drugs company, has been hit with the biggest criminal fine in US history as part of a $2.3bn settlement with federal prosecutors for mispromoting medicines and for paying kickbacks to compliant doctors.” Quote from: Pfizer drug breach ends in biggest US crime fine