In Dwell With Jesus, I asked if we have what it takes to stand and be effective for the kingdom every moment we’re here, be it one more week or several more years. Admittedly, I don’t have what it takes. And I’m sure you’ll agree that you don’t either. Only in dwelling with Jesus do we have any hope of withstanding all that will be required of us as evil rises and the world grows only darker. We see the end is near, so close that the rapture could come at any moment or on any given day. We are quite possibly the generation who will see the rapture and with that comes the responsibility of to whom much is given, much is required (Luke 12:48).
Last time as we considered dwelling with Jesus, we examined how Jesus knew the Word, obeyed the Word, and lived out the Word, and that we must do the same. Today we’ll see that in order for us to dwell with Jesus, we must also be where He is, among people. He created people. He came for people. He taught people. He died for people. Jesus loves and is about people.
With Jesus’ heart in mind, we each must ask ourself: Am I about people?
My honest answer: I’m often more about people than I should be and am called a micromanager at times. I’m about my people, my family and friends. I’m also about the people I teach and reach through online ministry, which makes sense considering I’m a discipler. The found are typically who the Lord places within my reach. But what about lost people; how “about them” am I considering I’m not among them as often? Honest again: Not enough and rarely comfortably. Continue reading…
I love you more and more each time I learn more and more about you. It’s a relief to know I’m not alone in feeling inadequate when it comes to telling others about Christ. It’s easy to talk with others believers. I really struggle with non believers as well.
I’ve discovered this about myself when I DO step out of my comfort zone is that God will look past my shortcomings and give me the right words to share. Some of us are “seed planters” some are “seed waterers” and some get to be the ones to “reap the harvest”. As long as we’re doing the will of God, that’s what matters most. When I get to heaven, it will be so humbling to have just one soul come up to me and say, “I’m here because you told me about Jesus”!
I’m a beggar that was in need of a morsel willing to tell another beggar where the banquet can be found.
God bless you, my precious friend.
As always, I’m thrilled to hear from you! I love what an encourager you are in all of your comments.
I knew I wasn’t in this alone, the feeling of never having what it takes to reach the lost. You’re right. When we step outside of our comfort zones, God supplies what we need to say.
I love you always and can’t wait to meet you in person when we get to heaven.
Always wonderful to see a new article from you. You always hit so much ‘on the nail head’ so to speak. Thank you Lisa for all you do for the Lord. You are loved and appreciated.
Hi Rhonda,
Always great to hear from you. I’m glad to know I’m hitting the nail on the head. You can’t know what your appreciation does to encourage me. We are all on such a bumpy journey together.
Blessings on your week,
Lisa, I love your message and that you made this available to download and print. I am super excited as I plan to print the cards to include in the upcoming mission by donating 24 hygiene kits to fit in one-gallon bags for women being released from prison at Coffee Creek Correctional facility, Oregon. I only have one thing I wish could have been added to your cards and that is how simple and easy the gift of salvation is and that we need not to do anything but believe and ask for forgiveness and receive the free gift.
Hi Pam,
I’m glad to know the cards are helpful for your mission kits. I love that you’re sharing needed items with these women. If I work on the cards and make any changes, I’ll try to remember to touch base and let you know.
Thanks for reaching out,