Rapture: Why Do Many Dread?

If you’re following along with the videos and articles of interest I share, you will find them here each week:
Week in Review

Welcome to the continuation of the Prepare Your Heart Series. Below is a link to my current RaptureReady.com article titled, Rapture: Why Do Many Dread?. Feel free to share.

Watch this brief video first:

Pastor JD Farag made a point back in 2020 that I’ll never forget. While I can’t remember the exact quote, the essence of it stays with me: The Lord has sure given us a world that’s easier to let go of. I know that can be said of me, that this world holds no draw anymore, and for most who do see the nearness of the rapture and tribulation. Some of us long to be gone from here even if we’re still feeling a little frightened of the unknown. The concepts of being excited and afraid were covered in previous articles. Many, however, have a sense of dread over the rapture because they’re still hanging onto this world, yet we’re told in 2 Timothy 4:8 there will be a crown of righteousness awarded for all those who long for His appearing.

There are plenty of reasons why believers are still holding on. In this writing, we’ll cover three points: heart breaking, heart taking, and heart faking.

Heart Breaking

What could break the heart of a spouse, parent, grandparent, or friend more than the thought of the rapture coming before the ones they love come to Jesus? In the past few days, I’ve had two encounters with believers who fear for the unsaved people in their lives. We know, if we’ve read the Book of Revelation, what will befall our lost friends and family. I have the same fear for someone I dearly love, someone I’m not positive is trusting in Jesus for salvation. That’s the understandable basis of fear and dread that can and does steal sleep from us. 

Soon after Covid began, when it was evident to many mature believers that Jesus could soon come, I had a tough conversation with a mom who knows her adult daughter is unsaved. I can truly say it wasn’t me who interjected hope into the discussion. The Spirit reminded me so that I could tell that fearful, dread-filled mom: You have raised your daughter to know what the rapture is, so when it happens, you have every reason to hope she will immediately call upon the name of Jesus for salvation. Not only that, but because of her daughter’s strong and determined personality, I challenged that mom to imagine what a mighty voice her daughter will be in telling others what had happened and Whom to call upon. Continue reading…


Free Resources:
Daybreak, Last Days of Light – Free book download
How Do I Share What I Know? – Lisa’s Rapture Ready Series
Prepare Your Heart – Rapture Ready series in process

Daybreak is a way of life, one of exposing the rising darkness and telling of the soon-coming Light. We only have so many daybreaks remaining before that final sunset when we, as believers, are caught up in the air to meet Jesus.

Rapture: Why Do Most Fear?

If you’re following along with the videos and articles of interest I share, you will find them here each week: Week in Review

Welcome to the continuation of the Prepare Your Heart Series.  Feel free to share.

Rapture: Why Do Most Fear? – Rapture Ready article by Lisa Heaton

Please watch the brief introduction video first.

Many, maybe even most professing Jesus followers, fear the rapture, that moment when we will all be caught up in the air to be with Jesus. If you feel fearful, it’s okay to acknowledge that to the Lord. Your honest-with-yourself answer might well lead you to a place of freedom in an area that’s been holding you hostage. The rapture is our glorious hope (Titus 2:13), so if you feel anything other than hope and excitement, please take the time to read Rapture: Why Are You Excited?. I hope someday that you will be counted among those of us who are excited.

While there are possibly dozens of reasons why individuals may fear the rapture, from childhood trauma to denominational lack of teaching or teaching in error, I will narrow the scope of the topic to just a few possibilities: not knowing the promise, not knowing what’s waiting, not knowing Who’s coming. Continue reading…


Free Resource Quick Links:

You. Are Loved., Live the Love Song – Free book PDF
“Live the Love Letter” – Free chapter
Daybreak, Last Days of Light – Free book download
How Do I Share What I Know? (Lisa’s Rapture Ready Series)
Prepare Your Heart – Rapture Ready series in process


Daybreak is a way of life, one of exposing the rising darkness and telling of the soon-coming Light. We only have so many daybreaks remaining before that final sunset when we, as believers, are caught up in the air to meet Jesus.

Rapture: Why Are You Excited?


If you’re following along with the videos and articles of interest I share, you will find them here: Week in Review

Welcome to the official kickoff of the Prepare Your Heart Series. Below is an advance copy of my Rapture Ready article for next week. Feel free to share.

Rapture: Why Are You Excited? – by Lisa Heaton

Watch this 10-minute video introduction to get you started.

Is your heart prepared for the coming King? In the Prepare Your Heart Series, that will be our focus, to be a people made ready for the return of Jesus for His bride. Our earliest topics will cover the rapture to see where we currently stand in our view of it, a heart check of sorts.

Most pre-trib-rapture believers fall into one of these three categories: excited for, afraid of, or in dread of the coming of Jesus for the church. Which are you? We should all be on the alert, guarding our homes (hearts) and taking inventory of our feelings and motivations.

“Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming. But be sure of this, that if the head of the house had known at what time of the night the thief was coming, he would have been on the alert and would not have allowed his house to be broken into. For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.” (Matthew 24:42-44)

If you’re excited over the rapture and hope it happens before you finish this article, then I’m with you! But please continue on with the series after this “Excited” session since the information that follows will still likely be beneficial for you. In order to have productive conversations with others who fear or are in dread of the rapture, you need to get inside their heads and see where they’re coming from.

I’m so excited over the rapture that I sometimes find myself feeling guilty when considering the ones who will be left behind when we’re gone. I realize the sooner it comes, the sooner they’re left to face a certain, horrific future. More than once, I’ve had to remind myself it’s more than okay to be excited. No bride should feel guilty over her eager anticipation of her wedding day, even if she’s troubled over others refusing the invitation. We, the bride of Christ, rightly feel ever-growing excitement with each passing day. The more we see the rise of darkness, the closer we know our Groom’s arrival is. Jesus coming sooner rather than later may very well be God’s grace and mercy for those who would only fall for greater deception in a world where good is increasingly being called evil and evil good. In that case and with that perspective, I feel way less selfish for saying, “Come!”.

May I do a little meddling? Have you ever stopped and asked yourself what drives your excitement? Of course, we all want to get off this spinning ball of wickedness and go to heaven, but is that your only motivation? Do you merely want to escape here and go to heaven, or do you long to be with Jesus? Out loud, I think we would all answer “Jesus” since that’s the answer to every Sunday school question. But deep down, in that place where no one else can hear your answer, are you more excited about the place–heaven, and all that entails–or are you more excited about stepping into the arms of Jesus? Continue reading on RaptureReady.com…