I’m excited to share with you the latest addition to the Daybreak.Team site. The section Prepare is now live and active. At the end of Daybreak, I challenged you to enter your own mission, to find your voice and share what you know with others. What I hear most from readers who are new to this last-days topic is that they don’t know where to begin, what their particular role is, or how to share. I’ve lived with those same questions and want to share my own experiences and insights as the Lord has led me to embrace my own unique role.
Much is yet to come on the Prepare page, but this is our beginning place, the time we choose to step into our role in this last-days world and onto our training ground in order to prepare. (See excerpt from the intro to Prepare below.)
Within the Prepare section, you will find additional topics to explore:
- Training Ground will lead you to a series of writings that will encourage and help you find your role and live it out. The first installment of this weekly/biweekly series will be available in early February. To receive notifications when topics are published, sign up here.
Site locations coming soon:
- Prepare Your Home offers suggestions on how to prepare your home and family for the tumultuous times ahead.
- Sanctuary provides ideas of how to reach forward into the coming tribulation with provisions for the left behind.
Enter Mission
“Enter mission means there is a choice set before you: to make an impact or to remain in the sameness of the life you’ve known–to blaze or to fizzle. You either shine the Light or enable the darkness. You speak out in faith or sleep on in silence.” – Daybreak, Enter Mission
Nothing about entering into your Daybreak mission, walking as a child of Light and exposing darkness, may seem easy, and in your own power it isn’t. As a matter of fact, whatever God has for you in the months or even years to come if He tarries, will be flat out impossible if you’re trying to do it in and by your own strength and power. I don’t know what your specific role is in our collective mission of warning the lost and waking the found, but I know it’s bigger than you. Mine is bigger than me. I just expressed the next phase of a project I’m working on in this way: God has given a Goliath-sized task to some David-sized people. We’re all David sized compared to what’s going on in this world. Isn’t it a relief to know that God is on your David-sized side?
You know what it takes to do big things like slaying a giant? You just have to have a David-sized heart for God, a heart that says yes even before you know what He’s asking of you. Will you do that, say yes? Read More

Additional resources have been added to the Daybreak.Team site. If you haven’t visited yet, here are a few quick links to get you started:
Free Book Download – If you want to share Daybreak with your friends, visit this link, copy the site address at the top, and email it to your contacts.
Rapture – This page provides links to some of the most trustworthy voices to help you learn more about the rapture if you’re unfamiliar with the topic.
Israel – Learn how Israel is the time clock to our last-days prophecy interpretations. By watching Israel, we see prophecies now being fulfilled.
Investigate – If you need to view the evidence that points to the soon return of Jesus, you will find videos, articles, and sites to read more on the Antichrist, the already-emerging one-world government, one-world economy, and one-world religion.
Virus – This section provides links to the experts, doctors, and world-renowned virologists, in areas such as: masks, PCR testing, immune support, withheld medications, etc.
Vaxx – Here you will find “vaccination” information that is being censored from mainstream and social media.