A Thousand Blessings


Sometimes an unexpected change in plans is due to a significant blessing. I have been working on A Thousand Blessings since the spring and am more than half way through with the final edits. Normally, that would indicate that I am just a few months out from publishing. I’ve had many readers ask, and I have assured you we are looking at a fall of 2017 release date at the latest. Unfortunately, due to a change in my future method of publishing, A Thousand Blessings will be delayed for an undefined period of time.

Without question this is a positive change for this ministry of reaching women through fiction. As much as I regret the delay, God has made Himself evident in guiding me toward this new publishing avenue. I will keep you posted as I know more.

In the meantime, are you interested in short stories? I would like to provide a few to keep you attached to me as a reader while we shift gears in this ministry. I have a few ideas for stories, ones I’ve pondered before but never developed into full novel length.

Thanks for your encouragement along the way. Make sure to comment here. Are you a fan of short stories? Do you feel you can connect with characters in a shorter story setting?

A thousand blessings to you,

8 thoughts on “A Thousand Blessings

    1. I can’t wait to share it with you. I’m working on it right this very moment. I’m wondering how this will go. Can we truly come to love characters in such a short time? Time will tell.

    1. I’m not so sure I’m a fan of short stories either. I’m hoping this first story turns out well. I’ll let y’all be the judge.

      Thanks for getting in on the conversation.


  1. Count me in! I love to read so I’m sure I will enjoy short stories too! You could do a series building off the one before! That would be really cool and we would get familiar with the characters.
    And, of course, I want to read your new book. In the meantime, I could just enjoy rereading some of the others.
    Praying all goes smoothly in your new adventure. Love you lots. All my support.

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